It was a thrill to have the mystical lyrics of H.P. Lovecraft set to music in my latest choral piece, “Rhyme of Polaris”. I have always been a fan of science fiction, and Lovecraft is a long-time favorite – perhaps in my book best known through the film adaptations of Re-Animator, but also through the Cthulhu myth. I found these lyrics as featured in Lovecraft’s 1918 short story, “Polaris”, and was inspired to write this piece. The text (below) sparkled, in particular, exploration of harmony to evoke my interpretation of the unusual text. Haga Motettkör, conducted by Ulrike Heider, premiered the piece in concert on June 6, 2015.
Slumber, watcher, till the spheres,
Six and twenty thousand years
Have revolv’d, and I return
To the spot where now I burn.
Other stars anon shall rise
To the axis of the skies;
Stars that soothe and stars that bless
With a sweet forgetfulness
Only when my round is o’er
Shall the past disturb thy door.