I am now married to my beautiful Lina, and the wedding was wonderful and – of course – featured some choral music. We’re both choir geeks and met each other as singers in the Haga Motettkör, so having our friends of this choir being there and perform Maurice Duruflé’s Ubi caritas as well as my own arrangement of the classic Swedish summer psalm Den blomstertid nu kommer was almost a given. In addition to this, I had made a choral arrangement of Över brudfolk, a song originally written by Lina’s grandfather Gustaf Bjarnegård based on an old composition by Johan Helmich Roman. Gustaf was an accomplished and prolific composer, organist and priest, and this piece has been performed during many Bjarnegård weddings – a wonderful tradition which we carried forward giving it our own little touch.
Below is a recording of the Haga Motettkör performing Den blomstertid nu kommer. The piece is dedicated to the love of my life.
[audio:http://moviescoremedia.com/mikaelcarlsson_choralmusic/denblomstertidnukommer.mp3|titles=Den blomstertid nu kommer (Haga Motettkör/Ulrike Heider]