I haven’t written a lot of pieces for male choir, but had the opportunity to write a new setting of Swedish poet Gustaf Fröding’s “Det är fullbordat” (“It is Finished”) for Göteborgs Manskör to be included in their passion-themed concert where Thomas Tallis’ Lamentations of Jeremiah was the main work of the program. I am very grateful for a beautiful premiere performance. Here is a video with the choir conducted by Mathias Harms in concert at the St Nicolai church, Lidköping.
Göteborgs Manskör premieres dramatic setting of Gustaf Fröding’s ‘Det är fullbordat’
May 15th, 2023 | Posted by in UncategorizedYou can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 You can leave a response, or trackback.
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